What a way to kick off a new season. We spent yesterday in the Thomas Range and added some great new locations to our collection.
First, a note about the Thomas Range. It is only 20 miles long, but contains an amazing variety of mineral occurrences. As the mountains formed, mineral-rich gases were trapped in the cooling magma, and over time the minerals condensed and crystallized into fluorite, topaz, garnet, quartz, beryl, and many other things. This is a magical area to visit--it's easy to get to and fairly remote at the same time; you get to view amazing and bizarre scenery; and of course, the minerals are spectacular.
Our first destination was a little hill near the ghost town of Joy, that we heard was covered in agate. We made our way down toward Delta, turning from I-15 and traveling through Leamington before turning NW onto Brush Road and heading toward the Thomas Range. This road is always paved and well-maintained, thanks to Brush Wellman, a mining company that owns a beryllium mine at Spor Mountain nearby. The scenery is fairly bleak on the way--pretty flat and colorless, except for Fumarole Butte--a weird, black shield volcano. We passed by the turnoff to the hot springs there. Don't know that I'd want to get in that water, but it might be nice to visit some day.

We could have stayed longer, but the garnets were calling...
I'm looking forward to checking that site out I'm at topaz mtn every weekend. And have always wanted to go out some of the dirt roads that are there.I'm planning a trip to topaz next weekend
Just walk further up the hill, there are more veins of agate, and some stromatolites on the northwest face.
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